Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Paige!

It's Paigey's birthday this week - she is turning four.

We had a fun party over the weekend to celebrate with lots of new friends, old friends, and family.  It was so fun.  For some reason, more than half of my photos were really blurry….so lots of people are MIA in these photos.  Nonetheless,  let's go to the videotape:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ojai Valley Inn and Spa

One of our favorite weekend day trips is to Ojai.  We usually time it when we have a wine shipment to pick up from the Ojai Vineyard tasting room; we go for a long walk at the Ojai Valley Inn and Spa, grab a snack, and then pick up our wine.

The architecture is beautiful and so is the landscaping.

According to the resort's website, the whole property was converted to "Camp Oak" during World War II for use by the Army.  By 1944, it was turned over to the US Navy as a place for rest and relaxation for returning troops.  Can  you imagine?

Once again, it's midday and my photos are washed out.  The picture above is inspiration  for my yard in San Diego.

Again, not the greatest picture, but I love this oak tree with the lanterns hanging from its limbs.

I've got a thing for iceberg roses lately.

Beautiful trailing rosemary!


While I was taking pictures of flowers like a nerd, Paige and Jules were picking up leaves, seedpods, and twigs for their "collection."  I put some of the leaves in a jar when we came home.  We left happy, full of truffled homemade potato chips from one of the resorts restaurants.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sunshine Friday

Do you shop on Black Friday?  The name depresses me - I picture people alone, in dark rooms, with their money.

So, we went to the park instead, to soak up sunshine and play.

We park about a quarter mile south of the park and walk along the beach path to get to the "pirate park."  This is how we sneak in more exercise for the girls.  It hasn't occurred to them that we could park right next to the park.

It was a beautiful clear day - the Channel Islands, which are normally ensconced in fog, were out strutting their stuff.

Off we went, holding hands.  The mountains were nice and clear too.

A little rest at the halfway point.

Oh California, how I love you.

Pretty flower in the park that matched the girls' outfits.

Almost at the pirate park.

Quick ride on a seahorse that Paige named "Shark."  She also told me that "she's a girl seahorse."

"Har har mateys!"

"Me too!  Me too!"

Sand dunes in Southern California are fairly rare these days.

I hope your Black Friday was as nice as ours!