Monday, October 1, 2012

Edna Valley

After a glorious day at the beach, Paige told us that she really wanted to tour vineyards, admire the scenery, and learn more about wine varietals and their various trellising techniques. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong, but we did decide to visit the Edna Valley Vineyard outside of San Luis Obispo.

The winery had a demonstration vineyard, with about twenty rows of different wine varieties and grape trellis techniques. One can never start too early to stimulate the minds of one's offspring. After all, education is very important. I would hate it if Jules couldn't discern a Pinot Noir grape from a Thompson seedless. Or not know when to use a double helix trellis system.

Once our viticulture lesson was over, we went inside to the tasting room.

Paige was excited because there was a large bridal party in the tasting room. She loves girls who are dressed up. She also likes to leave food on her face.

She also enjoys sampling free breadsticks. And sporting a silk scarf.

Jules enjoys Brandon's convivial smile.

We all admired the view.

We found a deli nearby that had goats, chickens, and old, weathered buildings taken over by morning glories.

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