Sunday, February 3, 2013

Best of 2012

1. Jules James was born in January. She is adorable and silly. She loves to talk and dance and eat. And Paige is so fun to watch as a big sister. Our little family is complete.

2. Brandon moving back home with us. After living in Washington for work, Brandon finally rejoined us in June. We took a road trip to celebrate and moved Brandon home in the process.

3. My mom's retirement and move to Ventura County to be near us.

4. Our road trips. Because I love California.

I don't know why this took so long for me to put to words. It's all so evident that these were the best things to happen this year. Plus there were so many little things that were fun along the way.

Like the Oxnard Tamale Festival. Because Mexican food is amazing.

Or stealing away from the office for an hour to pin some oak leaves on a handsome guy.

Visiting the Seabee Museum with Brandon's step dad and watching him play with the girls. He also brought us some amazing fish from Alaska.

Birdwatching at Point Mugu with my dad. We saw a ton of birds, sea lions and beautiful scenery.

Unexpectedly running into a good friend at Brandon's squadron change of command...seriously, it was the best feeling.

Hanging out with our good friends in Balboa Park. Look at their beautiful, expectant Canadian smiles! We get to meet their baby soon, which I can't wait for!

Happy New Year! Better late than never? Right? So, yeah, it's February.

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