After our wonderful time at the lake, we drove about four hours to Walla Walla, Washington, which is is in the southeast corner of the state. It felt like driving through a painting. The picture below is just a quick snapshot I took out the window.
At last we arrived in downtown Walla Walla. Paige and Jules were in love with this dog statue that was on one of the street corners. We had to visit it everyday.
We stayed at the Marcus Whitman, in the downtown area. It's kind of the only show in town, and while lovely, a little faded.
We went to a street fair and saw Recess Monkey.
Ah, there...both of them thinking.
There was a lot of public art in Walla Walla.
Oh, did I mention there's wine in Walla Walla? A lot of wine? Here's the first winery we went to.
Paige liked ringing the school house bell.