Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom!

Last week was my mom's birthday.  We invited over friends and family for champagne, cocktails, clam chowder, fresh-baked brown bread, and chocolate peanut butter cake.  I didn't take many pictures because I was busy having a good time, but I did squeeze in a few family pictures early in the evening.

My mom knitted the matching dresses the girls are wearing.  Cute, right?

 My mom with her BFFs, Linda and Suzie.  They went to nursing school together and apparently caused a lot trouble.  Flirting with sailors in Hawaii?  Not my mom!  Linda is partaking of the grapefruit ginger rum cocktails we made from fresh fruit my dad brought from Arizona.  Wholesome and healthy with a kick of bad, kind of like my mom, we named them Margarets in honor of the birthday girl.

Good times!

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