Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Pretty Pink Princess

My little girl turns three today.  I can't believe it.  We had a little party, just family, last weekend to celebrate three years of the girliest girl I've ever met.  And girly girls love pink and tiaras.  And Tinker Bell costumes.

We had pink pom-poms.

Pink Cyclamen.

Letters handmade by Aunt Amberly.

Macaroni bites.

Pigs in delicious puff pastry blankets.

Pink snowflakes.

Pink Lady Cake, from Smitten Kitchen.  So yummy!

Jules wasn't left out; Aunt Ginny brought her a present too.

So many presents!  And so much fun!

Pink princesses love jewels; luckily Paige received some beautiful gems.

Three year old princesses also like to change gowns.

Happy Birthday Paige!

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