Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Portland 2013

If I had to sum up our time in Portland it would have to be the following: Children splashing in urban fountains, then gourmet ice cream.

We took a few short breaks from the fountains and went to the Portland International Rose Garden.

And the Japanese Garden.  We also popped into Hanna Anderson to buy Jules a swimsuit, which I had forgot to pack.  Here are the results:

Meanwhile, back at the fountain.

Why don't we have these in our town, Mommy? Good question!

The fountains continuously fill, pause, drain, and then refill.  This helps keep the water clean and it's fun.

Starting to fill...


And full.  These fountains were truly the highlight of our time in Portland.  And there's more than just this one.  And when the kids are tired, you can plunk them in the double stroller, where they might both fall asleep so you can duck into the Deschutes Brewery a few blocks away and enjoy a late afternoon lunch and a little beer.

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