Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ventura Ranch, Santa Paula CA

We went camping near Santa Paula to celebrate Jules' birthday.

No polar vortex in these parts.  Here was our view to the north.

And to the west.

My little girl.

Our campsite had a huge California Sycamore tree, its trunk riddled with acorns.

Which was odd, because sycamores have seeds that look like that shown above.  Acorns come from oak trees, which look like this:

I assumed squirrels were storing the acorns in the sycamore.  I pictured the squirrels on the trunks, their fluffy tails functioning as an anchor against the tree, as their industrious little paws twisted in the acorns.  But, a quick trip to the U.S Forest Service website proved me wrong.  It turns out acorn woodpeckers were storing the acorns, first drilling a hole and then depositing the acorns.

The girls loved the tent.

The girls were busy running around the entire time, collecting acorns and pine cones, helping with the campfire, running randomly down the road…

I made Smores cupcakes for Jules, just in case the campfire smores didn't work out.  They were delicious!

Pirate ship!

We went on a nature walk by the Santa Paula River.  I love these delicate little flowers.

Anyone gone camping lately?  It was our first camping trip with the girls.

1 comment:

  1. Gearing up for a summer camping trip. I'm thinking about maybe hitting the channel islands. A kayaking tour of the sea caves seems like it would be incredible. any thoughts?
